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What Is a PSR Report?
Who Can Benifit From PSR Reports?
How is a PSR report generated?
What Metrics will I Receive?
What is a PSR Report?

Our PSR reports simplify complex data from our VueMotion reports through a scoring system that evaluates the key elements of sprinting movements: projection, switching, and reactivity. Your scores are also benchmarked against top performers, allowing you to understand where you stand and identify your strengths and weaknesses. In addition, our PSR reports come with an exercise menu that provides targeted workouts to help you improve on your weaknesses.

Who Can Benefit from PSR Reports?

Our PSR reports are designed to be user-friendly and easily understandable, so that coaches, medical professionals, and athletes alike can benefit from the valuable data they provide. The simplified scoring system and exercise menu make it easy for anyone to use the reports to assess an athlete's sprinting abilities and help them improve.

How is a PSR report generated?

To receive a PSR report, you will need to have access to our VueMotion system. VueMotion uses advanced motion capture technology to track an athlete's movement during sprinting, and generates detailed data on their performance. Once you have used VueMotion to capture data on an athlete's sprinting movement, our system will generate a PSR report based on the analysis of that data.

What Metrics Will I Receive?

You will receive Sprint Time, Max Step Velocity Score, projection switching and reactivity scores and the overall average scores of those. You also receive the underpinning variables of projection, switching and reactivity. For further information on these metrics, please follow this

How Do I Upload My Videos to be Processed?

To receive a PSR report, you will need to first upload your video to your VuMotion account and request it to be processed. Once you have done so, your PSR report request will be automatically generated.





How Long Will It Take to Receive My Report After Upload?

After you upload your sprinting video to your VuMotion account and submit a request for the video to be processed, your PSR report will be generated within 48 hours to 72 hours. You will be notified by email and through your account when your report is available.

What Happens When I Run Out of Tests? 

You can easily purchase additional tests through our website.

How Do I Upload My Videos to be Processed?
How Long Will It Take To Receive My Report After Upload?
What Happens When I Run Out of Tests
Track Running Facility

Get in Touch

If you have more questions or need further assistance, please fill this form or                        and we will get back to you as soon as possible. 

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